AVL engine test bench with Bilz BiAir® membrane air suspension system
- From test speed
500 1/min to 10,000 1/min
Decoupling or insulation efficiency > 75-95%.
AVL List GmbH is a company that develops, simulates and tests of propulsion systems in the
automotive and other industries. The Austrian company has more than 11,000 staff members in its employ worldwide. As world market leader in the testing industry, AVL is one of our longstanding customers.
The sensitive measurement test benches used at AVL for e-motors and engines require trouble-free operation. Trouble-free here means free mainly free from vibrations. Ultimately, reproducible, consistent test environment conditions need to be guaranteed. AVL approached us for a customised solution for the vibration decoupling of their test bench test plates. After intensive consultation, it became evident: it was a clear case for BiAir®…
Our membrane air spring systems BiAir® with resonant frequency of 2,5-3 Hz is used at AVL for source and receiver isolation with e-motors and engine test benches. These decouple the test bench during test operation and avoid or reduce structure-borne noise and structural movement in the test and research facilities. BiAir® air springs are available with mechanical or electronic-pneumatic level control.
Air springs do not transfer structure-borne noise, have electronic-pneumatic level control, and have versatile uses.
Bilz has a good reputation in the industry and is an efficient supplier of air spring systems of high quality.Stefan Foubert
Global Product Manager, AVL List GmbH
These are the areas of application for BiAir®
Highly effective vibration isolation for
vehicle, engine and transmission test benches
measurement technology
precision machining.
Laser systems as well as optical and electronic devices
Foundation insulation