
Foundation block of 1,200 tonnes – successfully calculated, planned and installed

Our solution for an automotive plant: foundation insulation with isolation pad sets and lost formwork
Bilz Isolierplattensätze im Einsatz zur Schwingungsisolierung von Fundamenten - Abbildung mit Legende

1 Foundation tray (side wall), 2 Mineral fibre and cover panels (lost formwork),
3 Foundation block, 4 PVC foil cover, 5 Bilz insulation panels (set of panels), 6 Foundation trough (base)

  • Foundation block 1.200 t


Indirect vibration isolation of a machine or an installation increases the inherent rigidity and results in a significant improvement of the dynamic behaviour with large load changes and displacement paths.
For the exact design of the foundation, the characteristics of the machine must be considered. Only then can a cost-effective solution for the long-term and disruption-free operation of the installation be guaranteed.


With certain applications the inclusion of steel construction or cast-iron plates is not sufficient. In this case, we developed a foundation solution for receiver isolation of a milling mechanism opposite the press plant area for an automotive plant.

Auslegen der Bilz Isolierplattensätze (schwarz) und der Zwischenräume mit Mineralfaserdämmplatten (verlorene Schalung) - Schritt 1
Laying out the Bilz insulation pad sets (black) and the intermediate spaces with mineral fibre insulation panels (lost formwork) - Step 1
Auslegen der Bilz Isolierplattensätze (schwarz) und der Zwischenräume mit Mineralfaserdämmplatten (verlorene Schalung) - Schritt 2
Laying out the Bilz insulation pad sets (black) and the intermediate spaces with mineral fibre insulation panels (lost formwork) - Step 2
Auslegen der Bilz Isolierplattensätze (schwarz) und der Zwischenräume mit Mineralfaserdämmplatten (verlorene Schalung) - Schritt 3
Laying out the Bilz insulation pad sets (black) and the intermediate spaces with mineral fibre insulation panels (lost formwork) - Step 3
Abdeckung der gesamten Fläche mit Baufolie, anschließend mit Hartfaserplatten. Verkleben der Überlappungsbereiche
Cover the entire surface with construction foil, then with hardboard. Gluing the overlapping areas
Montieren der Armierung - Schritt 1
Installing the reinforcement - Step 1
Montage der Armierung - Schritt 2
Installing the reinforcement - Step 2
Einbringung des Betons - Bild 1
Placing the concrete - Step 1
Einbringung des Betons - Bild 2
Placing the concrete - Step 2


We installed a foundation insulation with isolation pad sets and lost formwork. Isolation pad sets are optimally suited for vibration insulation of foundations. With additional mass and lowering of the centre of gravity, the insulation efficiency was improved and the vibration amplitude reduced. In doing this, we achieved the isolation and decoupling of the milling machine with the foundation from the construction ground and could thereby guarantee disruption-free operation.

Auslegen der Bilz Isolierplattensätze (schwarz) und der Zwischenräume mit Mineralfaserdämmplatten (verlorene Schalung) - Schritt 1

Laying out the Bilz insulation pad sets (black) and the intermediate spaces with mineral fibre insulation panels (lost formwork) – Detail

All services from a single source

We offer many years of in-depth experience in the design and project planning of machine foundations. With us, you get all services from a single source:

  • On-site vibration analysis
  • simulation
  • design of the vibration isolation
  • design and calculation of the foundation blocks
  • preparation of the complete documentation
  • construction supervision
  • installation and commissioning of the vibration isolation system

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